استایل اطلاعات دیگر مثل عنوان سایت ، تاریخ ایجاد و غیره

.title - Style for the site title.
.pathway - Default styling for the pathway (or breadcrumbs) displayed by the mosPathWay() function.
a.pathway:link - Style for hyperlinks in the pathway (or breadcrumbs) displayed by the mosPathWay() function.
a.pathway:visited - Style for hyperlinks that you have visited in the pathway (or breadcrumbs) displayed by the mosPathWay() function.
a.pathway:hover - Style for the mouseover effect for hyperlinks that are displayed as part of the pathway (or breadcrumbs) displayed by the mosPathWay() function.
.createdate - Format of the "create date" displayed for various content items
.modifydate - Format for the "last updated" date displayed at the bottom of various content items.